Bergen kommune
Project name: Bergen kommune
Location: Stemmeveien
Application: Rehabilitation of pipes for drinking water
Category: Full structual lining IBB16
Dimentions on pipes/tanks, pressure and temprature, etc:
DN550 & DN300, length 100 meters
In June 2022, Pipeliner completed a full rehabilitation of 2 drinking water pipes, DN550 & DN300, each 100 meters in length on Stemmeveien in Bergen.
The original pipes were gray cast iron dating back to 1865. These pipes were located in an area with historical significance, just meters away from the Bergen State Archives, which houses a vast amount of documents underground. Any leakage in the original pipes was not desirable.
The project was executed using our new fully structural drinking water liner from IBG. We had experts from the manufacturer involved in the installation. Pipeliner is proud to have successfully completed a project that was carried out as planned.

Oslo kommune
Project name: Oslo kommune
Location: Eikenga
Application: Rehabilitation of pipes for drinking water
Category: Full structual lining IBB16
Dimentions on pipes/tanks, pressure and temprature, etc:
DN200, lengde 97 meters
In April 2023, Pipeliner completed a comprehensive rehabilitation of a drinking water pipe, DN200, with a length of 97 meters in Eikenga, Hasle district in Oslo. The purpose of the project was to secure the water supply in the area. The existing pipeline had experienced several ruptures, impacting businesses in the vicinity.
The municipality's requirement was to rehabilitate the 97-meter DN200 water pipeline using internal full structural lining in accordance with NS-EN ISO 11295 Class A, with minimal excavation. Pipeliner takes pride in having successfully executed this project as planned.

Kongsberg kommune
Project name: Kongsberg kommune
Location: Gromsrudveien
Application: Rehabilitation of pipes for drinking water
Category: Retraction of PE pipes using the Die Draw method
Dimensions on pipes/tanks, pressure and temperature, etc:
DN400, lengde 365 meter
The assignment was carried out as a subcontract for the client Implenia AS, and the method was used to avoid unnecessary excavation in the new county road through Kongsberg. The background for the project was the occurrence of leaks in the newly laid ductile water pipeline, which was constructed in connection with the establishment of the new road section.
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens veivesen) did not want to excavate the pipeline to locate the leaks. Therefore, a trenchless method using Die Draw was chosen. Implenia chose this method because the pipe supplier, Hallingplast, guaranteed a minimum lifespan of 100 years as long as the installation and handling of the new pipes were done by accordance with regulations. Pipeliner also demonstrated that this method would provide the largest inner diameter in the pipe after installation.
The Die Draw method involves pulling the PE pipe through a funnel, known as a Die. Hence the name Die-Draw. The thin pipe is shrunk by 10-12 percent when pulled into the host pipe using a winch. Once the PE pipe is pulled through the host pipe, the pulling force from the winch is released, and the PE pipe will return to its approximately original dimensions. This results in a tightly fitted pipe inside the existing pipe, providing maximum inner diameter and optimal flow capacity.